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General Dentistry

General Dentistry Services at Burlington’s Cornerstone Dental

Think it’s time to seek dental care? Visit Burlington’s Cornerstone Dental. Some people believe they only need to visit the dentist if they’re experiencing pain or discomfort, but we highly recommend everyone to receive regular dental check-ups. Even if you brush your teeth religiously, conditions like plaque and cavities are invisible and can only be removed by a trained dental hygienist using sophisticated tools.

At a general dentistry appointment, your dentist may:

  • Conduct an examination of your oral health, such as checking for signs of dental decay, gum disease, bite problems, and oral cancer

  • Clean teeth, treat cavities, and remove plaque and tartar build-up

  • Use X-rays and 3D imaging to detect other abnormal conditions

Dental Surgery in Our Office

Our team of dentists enhance their skills by taking continuing education courses to stay cognizant of the newest techniques in dental surgery. Root canal therapy, also known as endodontic therapy, is indicated when the pulp/nerve of the tooth has become inflamed or infected. This may be caused by trauma to the tooth, extensive decay, or a cracked tooth to name a few.

The Canadian Dental Association recommends Canadians to visit their dentist once every six months. Depending on other health factors (such as whether or not you smoke, your diet, and your history of gum and dental disease), you may have to visit your dentist more often.

It is recommended that children get their first dental examination within six months of the eruption of their first tooth or when they are one year old. However, if you suspect a dental problem before this age, take your child to the dentist right away. Our Burlington clinic welcomes patients of all ages, so bring the whole family!

But What are the Risks?

You may still be wondering what the big deal about teeth cleaning is.

Here are some facts to chew on.

A healthy mouth is an important part of your overall health. Periodontal (or gum) disease has been linked to diabetes, heart issues, low birth weight in infants and other medical conditions. Periodontal disease begins with plaque that is left behind turning into calculus and tartar which the toothbrush cannot remove. This substance is full of bacteria, which causes gum irritation and the gums begin to swell. Brushing and flossing can no longer clean properly. If left over an extended period of time, gum recession, bone loss and possible mobility of the teeth may occur.

Our office recommends that adults have the calculus removed every three to four months. For more advanced cases requiring surgery, we have an in-house periodontist on staff.

Remember, the purpose of regular professional teeth cleaning is to prevent disease. Dental and gum disease down the road can mean pain, discomfort, and high treatment costs, so we encourage you to take the proactive step today to maintain your oral health. For more information, and to book a general dental appointment in Burlington with us, please give us a call.

See a Dentist Today, Smile Tomorrow

Prevention is perhaps your biggest defense against disease, so schedule a cleaning today.

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